Saturday, June 16, 2018

things I'm curious about......that can drive me kind of nuts if I think about it too long...

Here is my list of 50 things that I’m perplexed and curious about….What do you wonder about??

1. has anybody ever really been abducted by aliens? are the grays for real??
2. where did all the ships go in the Bermuda Triangle?
3. Where is my twin? my Doppelganger? what would it be like to come face to face with her if she does exsist?
4. what are dreams exactly? where do they really come from? where exactly do thoughts come from anyway, or sudden creative urges, insights, memories, intuition?
5. are there colors we have never seen? what do they look like? (this one really drives me nuts when I think about it too long :)
6. Did I really have past lives or is this just this artist’s imagination run wild?
7. What will be my final thought before I exit?
8. are there parallel universes? what am I doing in one closest to this one right now??
9. Did we really really really land on the moon in 1969?
? After hours of researching this on the internet and looking at both sides of the argument, I’m a lot more skeptical and think the conspiracy maniacs on this one may not be “cracked” after all……
10. what if I knew then what I know now, how would my life be different?

11. what will really (if anything) happen With the
Nostradamus 2018 prediction?
12. why do some foods taste better after they have been in the fridge for a day, and you reheat them up?
13. where do socks go to, that disappear in the dryer?
I wrote a poem about this that addresses one possibility.
14. Is creativity a bottomless pit? Did Jung have it right about the collective unconscious mind?
15. have my deceased parents really tried to communicate with me from the other side through turning on and off lights? or has this just been hopeful thinking on my part that they are thinking about me?
16. why do you have to see the word “terminal” so often on signs at the airport? Isn’t there a better word that could be used to describe which area you should go to?
17. why is there such a persistent perception in this world that lots of money will somehow bring security peace and happiness?
18. does anybody really remember being born? some claim they do. My earliest memory is about age 3.
19. what are apes thinking about when they are locked up in the zoo and people are looking, and laughing at them?
20. Is there a “heaven” for animals, like for your pets? dogs and cats, horses, etc?

21. Why is it that whenever I buy a new shirt, I will spill something on it the first time I wear it?
22. Has any home-run ball ever hit out of a stadium ever landed in a baseball glove that some kid left laying outside in the front yard of his house or apartment?
23. do all people who like chocolate experience the taste of chocolate in the same way. In other words…If I could experience the taste the way you do would it still taste the same?
25. why do people like jello?
26. are there hidden treasures in ground out in the front yard? or the neighbors front yard that has been buried there for hundreds of years? :)
27. what would be the loneliest thing about being totally famous? not like me i mean like Lady Gaga Famous.
28. what is time exactly?
29. is the universe infinite?
30. how tall would it be if all the cell phones in the world were stacked on top of each other?

31. why do people talk real loud on their cell phones in public?
32. what causes one to enter a “creative funk” from time to time?
33. why does music so powerfully evoke emotion, memory?
34. what do cats see that we don’t when they appear to look around at something in the air?
35. when if ever will there ever be peace?
36. is the next stage of human evolution to be able to link telepathically and be able to throw are cells phones away?
37. Is there an endless number of unique sneezing sounds that people make? are any two sneezes identical? Is is possible to always stifle a loud sneeze? even with little advanced warning?
38. how many really cool things have happened in the sky at night, but we didn’t see cause we never looked up enough?
39. why do men and women think so differently about so many things?
40. what would it be like to travel into space?

41. where do creative thoughts come from?
42. what would it be like to have the creative mind of Steven King?
43. How many times have I been very close to death, but never knew it?

44. is there a fountain of youth?
45. Is there a natural cure for varicose veins that really works?
46. why do so many young people sag their pants?
47. Is shyness a condition or a choice?
48. can love cure depression?
49. why do people in a long line at Starbucks in the morning always remind me of heroin addicts standing in line at the methadone clinic? :)
50. what do we learn from our mistakes? were they really mistakes?